My Position on the Tip of the Penis

     If anyone's reading this blog anywhere, I'm guessing that some of you (or at least one of you) want to know my "position" on circumcision. Well, sorry to burst your curiousity-bubble, but I'm neither "for" nor "against"...

     My position is this: for thousands of years there have been cultures that circumcise their boys, and for thousands of years, there have been other cultures that do not circumcise their boys. Often within the very same city! Some of the circumcised boys grow up to be men who have great sex: they give and get a full range of pleasure; they can't imagine that it could be any better; they love their equipment, and they love using it, and others love it too. And some circumcised men just can't get enough-- enough of whatever-- and so they feel lacking... and the most obvious lack to which they can point, and which they see every time they think about "it"... is... lo and behold, a foreskin. So they say they miss their foreskin, and ok! it makes sense!
     And yes, sometimes circumcisions go wrong, or the lack of a foreskin seems to legitimately cause problems. For example, in the 1940s and 50s many Jewish parents chose to not circumcise their sons because they felt that it would dangerously mark their sons as Jews in a world unfriendly to Jews. And yes, there's no going back.
     And some of the uncircumcised (or "in tact" as the anti-circumcision peoples like to say) boys grow up to be men who also pride themselves for their perfect penises: they give and get a full range of pleasure; they can't imagine that it could be any better; they love their equipment, and they love using it, and others love it too.
     But then there are also "in tact" men whose foreskins cause them problems... I won't get into the details, but it can get pretty gruesome and smelly down there.

     So there you have it. If I were king for a day (I'd have a circumcised penis!), what would I rule?? I'd allow circumcision, and I'd make some sort of law about sanitization and what not. But... but, but, but... there's always a but. But for now I have to get back to working on my "serious" writing...
     Preview! I'll discuss "serious" writing on literature in my next post. No penises, I promise!