...is New York Magazine's special topic of the week. Somehow I feel a little bit left out. As if I've said something important about circumcision that everyone should know about and clamor to hear. But seriously, I haven't said all that much. Or even written all that much. One chapter. And a short-ish one at that.
Well, hear ye: I do have more to say on it. A few friends have even suggested that I write a newspaper column on circumcision. Or penises. I like to ask people about penises: "are you circumcised?" is a much easier question to answer than "Are you Jewish?" And for me, it's a question I like to ask.
More to come. I promise.
p.s. among the things I hate about discussions of circumcision-- I hate a lot of things about them-- is the seeming impossibility of NOT punning. please: resist the temptation.